Is Your Marketing Efforts ‘soaring or Quacking’?

In your entrepreneurial pursuits, is your energy geared toward the “Quacking of the ducks” or the “Soaring of the eagles”? In analyzing where you focus your time, energy, thought processing and the application of items necessary to gain your foothold, important factors may get overlooked or pushed aside under a blinder-like pursuant mentality. Quacking prevents one from listening with understanding whereas Soaring is listening with understanding and putting into action what’s learned.

In our efforts to advance in marketing, we all work the placement of our ads, banners, affiliate tie-ins, blogings, emails and articles to obtain multiple traffic streams gaining sales of products and ultimately increasing the bottom line. By maintaining this framework as similar as the majority can be more detrimental then effective. An excuse of ‘doing this because I was told’ or ‘how everyone else does’ equates to a Quack, Quack, method.

Of course, in the beginning of internet marketing, this concept is less important. When you don’t know or have never created advertizing, one must follow examples from experienced mentors. To understand what to do, how to do these tasks and why these basic things work creates the early stages of advertizing thought. But once this process becomes more familiar and the structuring is better understood, you must begin to set yourself apart. Creating uniqueness for yourself ultimately will generate more traffic volume.

So in order to Soar with the Eagles in marketing and not get caught in the Quacking of the Ducks, one must be thinking out-side-the-box. Internet surfers are seeking information more than anything. They are not focused on the drill but actually on the hole. To develop ad campaigns that provide differences in hole types, or how to obtain these specific hole types, the selling of the drill should be an afterthought. To ask how one places in action these types of ideas would stifle your own creative side. Providing a specific answer only perpetuates the Quack, Quack theory.

To Soar with Eagles requires each of us to examine our campaigns. Do they provide the description of the drill or do they satisfy the variety of the hole? The basic need for the ‘surfer’ must be thought out so that your niche can satisfy those concerns and multiply completion of those tasks. The question must be asked as if you are your customer; what would you want; and what could fulfill your need; what descriptive words answer your need? To know this will open your mind up and allow you to create several ways to inform them. Your sales should begin to increase.

Finally, utilizing this process, reanalyze your multiple campaigns you have going on with your customers in mind. Then over time your tweaks should become less involved, thus improving the opportunity to monitor your ad

vertizing costs better and reduce that monetary output. To create better and effective campaigns requires knowledge of your customers’ minds and then directing them to your product or service. Achieving this allows you to Soar with the Eagles!

Source for this article; an informative book titled “The One Minute Entrepreneur” written by Ken Blanchard and Don Hutson. For your copy, click the title.

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every day and you can too. Join me to Soar with the Eagles.

Eagle/Duck Article – February 2009

About the Author:

Author enjoys imaginary writing and is expanding within the world of the internet marketing.

Article Source: - Is Your Marketing Efforts ‘soaring or Quacking’?

Home Based Business, Advertising, Business Opportunity, Make Money At Home, Marketing Efforts, Promoting Marketing