Incentives – Where Do They Fit?
‘INCENTIVES’ is a powerful word. The insinuation is a “reward or betterment provided for the efforts put forth”. Shouldn’t incentive be present within all of us as productive members of society? There seems to be quite a mentality prevailing throughout the country though of ‘we are entitled’’! As members of the online marketing community and home based business entrepreneurs, incentives are a necessity of doing business.
The shear enormity of the internet generally requires that you provide “FREE” offers within your ads or sites. Give away DVD’s, CD’s or ebooks so as to add names to that all-important list. And what person does not like getting something for free. It is the one word that provides a heavy tug at all the consumers or the information seekers migrating through the online world. The sight of a large “FREE” plastered across an information page moves that mouse faster to grab your prize.
Incenti-SIZE me!
The element of incentives can be the difference in making your business grow. Even providing free information is an incentive that can not be overlooked. Realizing that these browsers want to obtain some level of knowledge; a specific product they didn’t know they wanted; or a service that they may be needing; or an opportunity that will change them forever.
How powerful are the words of your ad or article or website that engrosses the information seeker that will allow US to lead them further into our world? The written words of your campaign, done well, can increase the potential customers to join us in our quest.
These days, consumers are not necessarily being provided with positive news. The bombardment of negativity depresses OUR would-be market and strictly limits the buying public from going beyond their needs. We are constantly enticing these information-seeking internet users to purchase more of what they want, pulling from within them the desiring need for our product, or to enriching their existence and providing them a level of confidence within that they have obtained something golden. Incentives must be deliberately placed for instant notice; described in easily decipherable language immediately recognized so the reason to click is evident.
The marketing business truly is built on confidence, not wrought with guilt. Our task is to motivated; to provide quality for our customer; and to ultimately provide them that they can depend on us. It is vitally important for our own survival instinct.
If you are building a list of prospects to contact throughout your campaigns, or maybe to build a strong team and expand your business program, motivating each individual becomes imperative to growing the organization. Providing incentives to these individuals whom have placed their trust in us must not be overlooked or taken for granted.
Some team members are motivated by providing a bonus is enough. Others may require verbal encouragement for their actions or accomplishments. Still some others require a challenge. These are the team builders I hope to bring along with me in the pursuit of “dream team”. These leader-types make up the solid foundation for any campaign or business being built; they are the “training” gurus that put themselves as the engine, allowing the wings to spread and be structurally sound to lift the projects into flight.
For many, many years, economists of all worlds have basically known about this simple truth; that is, people respond to incentives. Psychologists study it, and those in higher academic circles have built an entire business around it. As marketers realized this, they have been devising a host of more powerful incentives. Their perceived ‘better–than-someone else’s’ offer can capture the larger share of prospects and boost their system into the stratosphere. Have you determined the best location for your incentives? What are they and can your incentives move them?
As individuals, our incentives must be better defined. You are going to need to nourish them throughout the process of marketing your program or your product. Today is much more difficult to start now with a business and knowing what motivates you enough to continually pursue this, must be placed in plain sight. Write them down and place them promptly to be seen by you. Keys such as this can remind yourself why, and what you are doing this for, and will ultimately provide the needed boost for you to continue.
So my hat goes off to all of you. Keep up the fight. Know why you are in this for the long term, and be excited for each goal you reached. Those are our incentives.
Provide incentives for those around you whether they are your team, your equal, or even the experts out there that you are utilizing. I believe that these attitudes and qualities will keep your heart pumping, your eyes looking forward and your head on straight.
This is not an easy road to wander along. But the rainbow is out there, and whatever the colors are, yours are in it. So find them.
An Insightful collection of Wit - your comments are welcome.
The majestic flight of the eagle inspires confidence and powers the mind to inspiring heights
Incentive Article – February 2009
About the Author:Author has written creatively but just now beginning to expand onto the world of the web.
Article Source: - Incentives – Where Do They Fit?