7 Secrets of Successful Work at Home Moms

Would you like to become a WAHM (Work At Home Mom)? Wondering whether it is possible for you? You know, with everything you already do, does it feel like fitting in a Home Business might be too hectic? Well, I have great news for you! It can be done and it doesn't have to take from your life, instead, it can add to your life.

I know what your thinking, your thinking HOW could it possibly do that? Well ladies, I will be teaching you 7 powerful things you can do right now, to get you in the flow of running a household full of children and running a home business without loosing any of the hair on your head.

These are not merely ideas, but real life action steps that you can take to bring in a little more balance to your day. I am a big believer that persistent and consistent action will get you closer to your goals. Reading some wonderful ideas will do you no good, unless, you actually apply them in your life.

So here we go.

Secret #1

1. What are you doing today?

Create a schedule for yourself but don't stress about following it to the tee. As mom's, we know that deciding to work from 9am to 12pm does not mean we will sit there for three hours straight without interruption. You will probably get up 10 or more times in three hours if you have small children around the house. But children do need and thrive on being on a schedule. If you have very young ones you should feed them and put them down for a nap at the same time everyday. Or at least try to do so.

As a mom of four with a one year old baby, I know that my little one sometimes has plans of his own and will try to resist napping. When you have day's like this where it seems like nobody is going with the flow, just relax and be grateful that you have the opportunity of being home with your children, getting frustrated at the work that goes undone will only add stress to your life and the very fact that you work from home is because your children are your priority. So if the work doesn't get done, Let It Go, you can always catch up later or on the weekend, Relax, you don't have a boss looking over your shoulders (so glad those day's are over).

Secret #2

2. What's for Dinner Mom?

Yea I know that sounds silly, but when the clock hit's 5pm do you know what your going to cook? If you don't it will take you twice as long to get Dinner ready. My suggestion is plan your meals a week in advance, put a grocery list together of everything you will need and stock up for all those meals. This will save you lot's of time. Another usefull tool to use in the kitchen is a crockpot, you just throw everything in there in the morning and by 5pm dinner is ready. VOILA!

Secret #3

3. Just say NO!

It seems everyone wants a piece of you! Your sister wants you to take the kids for the weekend, your kid's school wants you to bake 4 dozen cookies for a fundraiser event, your mother wants you to come over and fix her screen door, your best friend wants you to come over to talk about her impending divorce, a local charity wants you to volunteer, telemarketers want you to subscribe to the local newspaper...need I say more?

We take on more than we can comfortably deliver in an unconscious desire to impress others, get ahead, and keep up with others' expectations. Meanwhile, our top priorities go unaddressed.

To become a successful WAHM and creating your desired lifestyle, you will have to get comfortable at saying NO to all the people and distractions that would otherwise devour you. Successful WAHM's know how to say NO without feeling guilty.


4. Maximize your time.

When that baby or toddler is sleeping then I recommend you RUN to your office. The best time to accomplish tasks that need to be completed is when the little ones nap. What might take you 2 hours to finish with the kids awake will take you only 30 minutes while they sleep, so if you can, always plan on making phone calls and working on things that need your undivided attention when the little ones are napping. This one is pretty mom common sense, I don't need to elaborate further.

Secret #5

5. Ask for help.

You can do anything but not everything. It is so important that everyone in the household contributes. A family needs to work as a team, you should not be doing everything yourself. Delegate household chores to your husband and your children (as long as they are old enough to help). Laundry, dishes, sweeping, organizing, dusting, cooking etc...

All these things are not your sole responsibility. As children get older you will be amazed at all the things they can do. My eight year old for example, washes dishes, sorts the laundry, cleans countertops, makes our bed. My seven year old vacuums, dusts, picks up his toy's, makes his bed as well as my six year old and my one year old loves to throw toy's in the toy basket! Start early on to teach your kids to be organized- The reward is huge!

And if this isn't your situation then just take it one step at a time, don't give your kids a long list of chores and expect them to run off and get them done. Start with one thing like making their own beds for two weeks, once that has become a habit go on to another task that they can do. Do this over and over and your kids will become the best help you will ever know or have!

Secret #6

6. Where's my bubble bath?

Practice good self care. You take care of everyone else all day long but don't forget you need to take care of YOU! Without you at your emotional best even the smallest thing can turn you into a walking time bomb. Take the time to relax in a bubble bath, read a great book, get a massage, get a pedicure, take a walk alone, or whatever helps you to clear your mind and focus on you. You are the most important part of this equation!

Secret #7

7. What are your goals?

What do you want? More money you say, yes but what do you want to do with more money? Write down what your life is going to look like after you earn X amount of money. You need to know why you are doing what your doing.

Maybe it's more trips to Disney world every year or that your children will have secured funds for college or maybe you want a new car, a bigger house, a cleaning lady, a personal chef, whatever it is write it down and know that being a WAHM will come with it's challenges, but you have decided that you are going to live your best life possible.

You have the best of both world's. Your children are in your loving care, you have a career that mentally stimulates you. YOU have an incredible opportunity to help other women live this way. So start today, implement these 7 steps that will make it a very smooth journey towards becoming a Successful Work At Home Mom! And remember, You have a seed of greatness in you and an unlimited potential to elevate everyone around you. Go for it!

About the Author:

Ismary Leon is a mom, wife and professional Home Business Owner. Her passion is teaching others how to build a Successful Home Business and empowering women to take control of their financial futures. To connect with Ismary visit her personal website http://www.WealthCreatingWahm.com

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - 7 Secrets of Successful Work at Home Moms

Home Business, Home Based Business, Work At Home Moms, Stay At Home Moms, Work From Home Moms, Home Business For Moms, Success For Work At Home Moms